1 | The misapplication of the Law: A microscope for others. (7:53-8:6a) 2 | The right application of the Law: A mirror for ourselves. (8:6b-11)
1 | We should remember the truth previously spoken (v. 1-2) 2 | We should not be surprised by the false teachings of the scoffers (v. 3-4) - Matthew 24:30-31…
1 | A profile of false teachers (v. 1-3) - Devious (v. 1a) - Deadly (v. 1b) - Popular (v. 2a) - Influential (v. 2b) - Greedy (v. 3a) -…
1 | An appeal to remember truth previously learned (v. 12-15) 2 | An appeal to remember truth about Jesus (v. 16-18) - Matthew 17:1-5 - Revelation 1:12-18 3 |…
1. The True Light has come from Heaven to earth. (v. 9) - There are 3 ways we see common grace: 1. Restrained Sin 2. Society (in general) is Civil 3.…
Teaching truth & grace to everyone in the Church is essential for godly living & effective witness. 1. You must teach sound doctrine (v. 1-10) 1_Teach older men (v. 2)…