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Come to join our church family or just find out more about Lakeview.

NEXT CLASS is January 19

In The Fellowship Hall

We want to invite you to a luncheon and class to Discover the Lakeview community of faith! The Discover class will provide you with information about Lakeview’s purpose, beliefs, structure, history, and ministry opportunities for you and your family. It will be led by our Associate Pastor, Cliff Knight. This class is the first step in the membership process, but attending the class does not obligate you to join. We invite you to come learn more about this community of faith!

The lunch and class meets on a Sunday afternoon in the “Fellowship Hall” immediately following the morning worship service. Please see the top of this page for the next scheduled class. Reservations are not required unless you need childcare during the class.

If you would like to attend the next class on the date noted above, immediately following the worship service that morning, exit the worship center to the lobby and go to your left. You will see a “welcome guests” sign at the left end of the lobby. Pass it and the restrooms and enter the double doors into the “fellowship hall.” The lunch and class will begin there. The class will end around 3:30 p.m.

If you have questions, please call the church office at (334) 887-7094 or email


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Auburn, Alabama 36830, United States

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