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...making, nurturing, and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ


What is our 3-fold strategy for global missions?


What is the Vistas class and how can I enroll?


Working together to make disciples who will make more disciples


How can I help missionaries stay connected to the church?


Send a message to one of our mission team members.



The Trinity Plan seeks to EXERCISE members of the body of Christ to discover, develop, and deploy their time, talents, and treasures for missions. Sermons, Bible studies, Missional Community Groups (MCG), International Missions Festival (IMF), Vistas, and other training opportunities are components of this phase.


The Trinity Plan seeks to EXPAND the work of Lakeview missionaries on the field by partnering with them in promoting their work and providing for their needs. Prayer, financial support, mission teams, and other forms of assistance are examples of this phase.


The Trinity Plan seeks to EXTEND the Kingdom of God to peopleswho have never heard the Gospel. Unengaged, unreached people groups are the focus of this phase through partnering, pioneering, and planting healthy reproducing churches.


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Summer 2024

Whether you have been sharing the Gospel for decades or you’ve never shared your faith before, God designed for us to make disciples as a community of believers. We all need a team! Sign up to join a disciple-making team.

The book and workbook are $20 total. See Mrs. Tammy McDonald in the church office for books.

Groups will begin the week of May 20, 2024. 

Email the Mobilization Team for any questions!
LBC Care Teams
| Read Document |
Caring for Overseas Workers
| Read Document |
Member Care Training Audio
| Listen To Audio |


Vistas is a 8-week missions class offered to help you understand the redemptive work of God for the nations and your place in it!

Classes will be Monday nights, 6-8:30 pm


Click on the button below to register for the class.



Here are some recommended books and podcasts to assist you in discovering God’s heart for the nations, as well as your part in it!


Greater Missional Fervency and Clarity:

Let the Nations Be Glad! | John Piper
John Piper offers a biblical defense of God’s supremacy in all things, providing readers with a sound theological foundation for missions. He examines whether Jesus is the only way to salvation and issues a passionate plea for God-centeredness in the missionary enterprise, seeking to define the scope of the task and the means for reaching “all nations.”

Discovering the Mission of God: Best Missional Practices for the 21st Century | Mike Barnett and Robin Martin
Discovering the Mission of God explores the mission of God as presented in the Bible, expressed throughout church history and in cutting-edge best practices being used around the world today. Drawing from a new generation of scholar-practitioners, this comprehensive reader provides global perspective, recent missiological research, case studies, recommended further readings and relevant discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

The Missionary Call | M. David Sills
Christians of all ages recognize the heartbeat of God to take the Gospel to the nations and wrestle with the implications of the Great Commission in their own lives. The Missionary Call explores the biblical, historical, and practical aspects of discerning and fulfilling God’s call to serve as a missionary.  

Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream | David Platt
In Radical, David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences. He shows what Jesus actually said about being his disciple–then invites you to believe and obey what you have heard. And he tells the dramatic story of what is happening as a “successful” suburban church decides to get serious about the gospel according to Jesus.

Practical Application:

Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World | Bob McNabb
Why do some disciple-makers reproduce while others fail? Spiritual Multiplication in the Real World takes an in-depth look into this question and gives answers based on solid research and biblical foundations. The solutions presented are inspiring and highly practical. Best of all, the keys to fruitfulness shared are universal principles that work in the “real world.” These principles will help you multiply generations of disciples, wherever you find yourself!

Operation World | Jason Mandryk
Whether you are an intercessor praying behind the scenes for world change, a missionary abroad or simply curious about the world, Operation World will give you the information necessary to play a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Stories and Biographies:

Insanity of God | Nik Ripken
The Insanity of God tells a story—a remarkable and unique story to be sure, yet at heart a very human story—of the Ripkens’ own spiritual and emotional odyssey. The gripping, narrative account of a personal pilgrimage into some of the toughest places on earth, combined with sobering and insightful stories of the remarkable people of faith Nik and Ruth encountered on their journeys, will serve as a powerful course of revelation, growth, and challenge for anyone who wants to know whether God truly is enough.

To the Golden Shore | Courtney Anderson
On February 12, 1812, Ann and Adoniram Judson sailed from Salem aboard the brig Caravan as two of the first missionaries to go out from North America. Watching the shoreline disappear from view, they could not have foreseen the impact of their journey on the future of the Christian world mission or on the thousands of men and women who would follow in their footsteps. After a short stay in India, they carried the Good News of Jesus Christ to the golden shore of Burma.

Faithful Witness | Timothy George
William Carey–now known as the father of modern missions–his example proved missions work was possible; his zeal convinced people missions work was essential; and generations of missionaries followed in his footsteps. Shoemaker, botanist, translator, preacher, factory manager–William Carey was all those things and more. Most importantly, he was a faithful witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ amidst a life of personal grief, professional ridicule, and international strife.