09:30 a l Preschool Sunday School in the Nursey
09:30 a l Children Sunday School in the KidZone
09:30 a l Youth Sunday School in the Youth Center
09:30 a l College Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall
09:30 a l Adult Sunday School Throughout the Building
10:45 a l Morning Worship in the Worship Center
12:00 p l Discover Lakeview Class in the Fellowship Hall
04:00 p l Benevolence Committee Meeting in room N210
04:30 p l Joyful Noise Choir in room W208-209
04:30 p l Re/Gen Choir Practice in the Choir Room
06:00 p l Evening Worship Service
06:30 p l Boy Scouts in Room N103-106
Church Office closed due to weather
06:30 a l Men’s Prayer Group in N103
06:30 a l Theology Class in room N208-209
09:00 a l Ladies Bible Study in room N105-106
04:00 p l Theology Class in room N110 (Bride’s Room)
04:45 p l Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l ESL
06:00 p l MPAC
06:00 p l Choir Practice in the Choir Room
06:00 p l Orchestra Practice in the Sanctuary
06:00 p l Prayer and Business Meeting in room N108-109
08:00 p l College Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l Celebrate Recovery
06:30 p l Ladies Bible Study in room N105-106
09:00 a l Superstars Enrichment Day
09:30 a l Preschool Sunday School in the Nursey
09:30 a l Children Sunday School in the KidZone
09:30 a l Youth Sunday School in the Youth Center
09:30 a l College Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall
09:30 a l Adult Sunday School Throughout the Building
10:45 a l Morning Worship in the Worship Center (Lord’s Supper)
04:00 p l VBS Coordinators Meeting in room W205-206
06:00 p l Evening Worship Service
09:00 a l Food Pantry in the Lobby
06:30 p l Boy Scouts in rooms N103-106
09:00 a l International Ladies Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
03:00 p l ASK in the Fellowship Hall
06:30 a l Men’s Prayer Group in N103
06:30 a l Theology Class in room N208-209
09:00 a l Ladies Bible Study in room N105-106
04:00 p l Theology Class in room N110 (Bride’s Room)
04:45 p l Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l ESL
06:00 p l MPAC
06:00 p l Choir Practice in the Choir Room
06:00 p l Orchestra Practice in the Sanctuary
06:00 p l Prayer and Business Meeting in room N108-109
08:00 p l College Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l Celebrate Recovery in N108-109
09:00 a l Superstars Enrichment Day
09:30 a l Preschool Sunday School in the Nursey
09:30 a l Children Sunday School in the KidZone
09:30 a l Youth Sunday School in the Youth Center
09:30 a l College Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall
09:30 a l Adult Sunday School Throughout the Building
10:45 a l Morning Worship in the Worship Center
04:00 p l Ladies Bible Study in Room N105-106
04:30 p l Re/Gen Choir in the Choir Room
04:45 p l Joyful Noise Choir in Room W208-209
04:45 p l Life Classes throughout the building
06:00 p l Evening Worship Service
09:00 a l Food Pantry
04:00 p l Children’s Catechism in Room W208-209
06:30 p l Boy Scouts in Room N103-106
09:00 a l International Ladies Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
03:00 p l ASK in the Fellowship Hall
06:30 a l Men’s Prayer Group in N103
06:30 a l Theology Class in room N208-209
09:00 a l Ladies Bible Study in room N105-106
04:00 p l Theology Class in room N110 (Bride’s Room)
04:45 p l Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l ESL
06:00 p l MPAC
06:00 p l Choir Practice in the Choir Room
06:00 p l Orchestra Practice in the Sanctuary
06:00 p l Prayer and Business Meeting in room N108-109
08:00 p l College Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l Celebrate Recovery in N108-109
06:30 p l Ladies Bible Study in Room N105-106
09:00 a l Superstars Enrichment Day in Room N101
09:30 a l Preschool Sunday School in the Nursey
09:30 a l Children Sunday School in the KidZone
09:30 a l Youth Sunday School in the Youth Center
09:30 a l College Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall
09:30 a l Adult Sunday School Throughout the Building
10:45 a l Morning Worship in the Worship Center
04:00 p l Benevolence Committee Meeting in room N210
04:00 p l Ladies Bible Study in Room N105-106
04:30 p l Re/Gen Choir in the Choir Room
04:45 p l Joyful Noise Choir in Room W208-209
04:45 p l Life Classes throughout the building
06:00 p l Evening Worship Service
09:00 a l Food Pantry in the Lobby
06:30 p l Boy Scouts in Room N103-106
09:00 a l International Ladies Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l Senior Saints Valentines Banquet in the Fellowship Hall
06:30 a l Men’s Prayer Group in N103
06:30 a l Theology Class in room N208-209
09:00 a l Ladies Bible Study in room N105-106
04:00 p l Theology Class in room N110 (Bride’s Room)
04:45 p l Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall
06:00 p l ESL
06:00 p l MPAC
06:00 p l Choir Practice in the Choir Room
06:00 p l Orchestra Practice in the Sanctuary
06:00 p l Prayer Meeting in room N108-109
08:00 p l College Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
6:00 p l Celebrate Recovery in Room N108-110
6:30 p l Ladies Bible Study in Room N105-106
9:00 a l Superstars Enrichment Day in Room N101
1 l Hymn Sing
7 l Lakeview Youth Mother Daughter Christmas Tea
8 l Choir and Orchestra Christmas Musical: Redeeming Love
11 l Christmas Banquet in the Fellowship Hall
15 l Re/Gen Christmas Musical: A Christmas Playlist
22 l Sunday School Fellowships in lieu of Evening Worship
23-26 l Church Office Closed for Christmas Holiday
1 l Church Office Closed for New Years Day
17-19 l Lakeview Youth FUEL Weekend
11 l Senior Saints Valentines Banquet
14 – 15 l LCM Venture Weekend
28 l Near His Heart Banquet