Danger From Within: False Teachers And Their Destructive Heresies (pt. 1)
1 | A profile of false teachers (v. 1-3)
- Devious (v. 1a)
- Deadly (v. 1b)
- Popular (v. 2a)
- Influential (v. 2b)
- Greedy (v. 3a)
- Dishonest (v. 3b)
- Condemnation (v. 3c)
2 | The sovereignty of God over false teachers (v. 4-10a)
- God judged sinful angels (v. 4)
- God judged the ancient world of Noah’s day (v. 5)
- God judged Sodom and Gomorrah (v. 6-8)
- God will judge the unrighteous and he will rescue the righteous (v. 9-10a)