1 | Heman continually cries out to the God of our salvation. 2 | We can be radically honest before the God of our salvation. 3 | Jesus perfectly prayed…
Illumination Definition: "The work of the Holy Trinity, enlightening believers to behold the light of the Lord Jesus Christ, moving us closer into the divine life and providing greater vision…
(An Overview of Summer Retreat) 1 | So Much More God 2 | So Much More Love 3 | So Much More Planned 4 | So Much More Power
1 | The Lord’s Supper in Scripture 1. God provides nourishment and his presence from the beginning - Genesis 2:7–10 2. God institutes the Passover to declare his salvation -…
1 | Jesus, the Word of God and Light of the World, shines in the Darkness and brings Order out of Chaos (Genesis 1:1-3 & John 1:1-5) 2 | Jesus…
1. What is God's heart on abuse? 2. God's heart should b the heart of the Church 3. How can we care well for the abused?
1. Paul's Aim: Glorification through Christ (3:12-16, 21) 2. Paul’s Assurance: Union with Christ (3:12, 20-21) 3. Paul’s Advice: Imitate those like Christ (3:17) 4. Paul’s Admonition: Sorrow for those…
MUSIC: Adam Traylor (Associate Pastor: Minister of Music) PREACHING: Aaron Wine (Associate Pastor: Minister to Youth)