1 | Grave dangers facing the church (v. 17-19) - Be vigilant (v. 17a) - Be separate (v. 17b-18) - Be discerning (v. 19) - Does it agree with Scripture?…
1 | Spiritual friendships find their identity in Christ 2 | Spiritual friendships are characterized by deep affection 3 | Spiritual friendships transcend human differences 4 | Spiritual friendships are…
1 | The church mobilizes for world evangelization through financial support (v. 23-29) 2 | The church mobilizes for world evangelization through prayer support (v. 23-29)
1 | The missionary’s appointment (v. 14-16) - Acts 22:21 2 | The missionary’s accomplishment (v. 17-19) 3 | The missionary’s ambition (v.20-22) - 1 Corinthians 3:5-10
1 | A God-glorifying church is a compassionate church (v. 1-3) 2 | A God-glorifying church is a Scripture saturated church (v. 4) 3 | A God-glorifying church is a…
1. When my freedom causes a brother or sister in Christ to stumble (v. 13-18) 2. When my freedom hinders the work of God (v. 19-21) - 1 Corinthians 9:1-14…
1 | Refuse to judge others on secondary matters (v. 1-4) - Essentials = Unity - Non-Essentials = Liberty - All Things = Charity 2 | Live out…
1 | Wake Up: Discern The Times (v. 11a) 2 | Look Up: Our Salvation Is Near (v. 11b-12a) 3 | Clean Up: Pursue Holiness (v. 12b-13) 4 | Dress…
1 | Love is a continuing debt (v. 8a) 2 | Love fulfills God’s law (v. 8b & 10b) - Matthew 22:37-40 3 | Love does not harm to its…
1 | The Citizen’s Responsibilities (v. 1-2, 5-7) - Submission: - Government established by God (v. 1-2) - To avoid punishment (v. 5a) - For conscience sake (v. 5b) Acts…