1 | Loving (v. 9a) 2 | Holy (v. 9b) 3 | Loyal (v. 10) 4 | Zealous (v. 11) 5 | Joyful (v. 12a) 6 | Patient (v. 12b) 7…
1. A humble assessment of oneself. (v. 3) 2. A harmonious cooperation with fellow believers. (v. 4-5) 3. A faithful exercise of one's spiritual gifts. (v. 6-8) - PROPHECY: To…
1. The foundation of transforming power in God’s mercy in salvation. (v. 1a) 2. The means of transforming power is total surrender to God. (v. 1b) 3. The result of…
1. A believing remnant (v. 1-10) 2. A temporary rejection (v. 11-24) 3. A glorious restoration (v. 25-32) - Zechariah 12:10 - Zechariah 13:1 4. An awesome God (v. 33-36)
1. Messengers of good news understand the way of salvation (v. 1-13) - Salvation is not by keeping the law (v. 1-3) - Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ…
1. God is sovereign in election (v. 6-13) 1: Not if natural descent (v. 6-9) 2: Not if human merit (v. 10-13) 2. God is sovereign in mercy (v.…
1. A sincere passion for souls (v. 1) 2. A sorrowful passion for souls (v. 2) 3. A sacrificial passion for souls (v. 3-5) - Romans 11:13-14 - Romans 10:1
1. God is for us in all situations (v. 28) 2. God is for us in accomplishing salvation (v. 29-30) - Ephesians 1:4-6 3. God is for us with His…
1. Future Glory For The Creation (v. 18-22) - Curse On The Animal Kingdom (Genesis 3:14) - Curse On The Planet Kingdom (Genesis 3:17-18) - Transformation Of The Animal Kingdom…
1. We have been liberated from the bondage of condemnation (v. 1-4) 2. We have been liberated from the bondage to the sinful nature (v. 5-13) In Christ: - A…