Concluding Words
1 | Grave dangers facing the church (v. 17-19)
- Be vigilant (v. 17a)
- Be separate (v. 17b-18)
- Be discerning (v. 19)
- Does it agree with Scripture?
- Does it glorify the Lord Jesus?
- Does it glorify the Lord Jesus?
2 | Victory over Satan is sure (v. 20)
- Revelation 20:10
3 | Greetings from Christian brothers (v. 21-23)
- 1 Corinthians 1:26-29
4 | To God be the glory for the Gospel (v. 25-27)
- The Gospel is powerful (v. 25a)
- The Gospel is a mystery now revealed (v. 25b-26a)
- The Gospel is for all nations (v. 26b)
- The Gospel is God’s wisdom in salvation (v. 27)
- 1 Corinthians 1:18-25