1 | Be diligent in pursuing practical holiness. (v.14) 2 | Be confident in Christ’s promise to return. (v. 15-16) 3 | Be on your guard against falling away. (v.…
1 | The Lord is not bound by time. (v. 8) 2 | The Lord is patient so that sinners may repent. (v. 9) 3 | The Lord’s return is…
1 | We should remember the truth previously spoken (v. 1-2) 2 | We should not be surprised by the false teachings of the scoffers (v. 3-4) - Matthew 24:30-31…
1 | False Teachers: Their sinful character (v. 10b-16) - They sin with their lips (v. 10b-13) - They sin with their eyes (v. 14a) - They sin wholeheartedly (v.…
1 | A profile of false teachers (v. 1-3) - Devious (v. 1a) - Deadly (v. 1b) - Popular (v. 2a) - Influential (v. 2b) - Greedy (v. 3a) -…
1 | An appeal to remember truth previously learned (v. 12-15) 2 | An appeal to remember truth about Jesus (v. 16-18) - Matthew 17:1-5 - Revelation 1:12-18 3 |…
1 | A know so salvation is a growing salvation (v. 5-7) - 1 Peter 3:18 - 1 Peter 2:2 2 | A know so salvation is a fruitful salvation…
Introduction - Two names (v. 1a) - Two titles (v. 1b) - One common faith (v. 1c) - Two blessings (v. 2) 1 | We receive supernatural power through the…
1. God is holy and will judge everyone who does not repent. (v. 1-5) - A terrible atrocity (v. 1-3) - A tragic accident (v. 4-5) 2. God is merciful…
1. Future Glory For The Creation (v. 18-22) - Curse On The Animal Kingdom (Genesis 3:14) - Curse On The Planet Kingdom (Genesis 3:17-18) - Transformation Of The Animal Kingdom…