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The Virtue Of Love

September 27, 2020
1 | Love is a continuing debt (v. 8a) 2 | Love fulfills God’s law (v. 8b & 10b) - Matthew 22:37-40 3 | Love does not harm to its…

God Is For Us

February 2, 2020
1. God is for us in all situations (v. 28) 2. God is for us in accomplishing salvation (v. 29-30) - Ephesians 1:4-6 3. God is for us with His…
1. Selfless Sacrifice (v. 11-13) 2. Unconditional Love (v. 14-15) 3. Unimpeachable Integrity (v. 16-18) 4. Courageous Confrontation (v. 19-21) - Sins that destroy church unity (v. 20) - Sins…

Find Us at Lakeview Baptist

Address:1600 East Glenn Avenue Auburn, Alabama 36830
Phone: 334-887-7094

Feel free to come visit us any day of the week! Sunday worship service times are from 10:45 - 12:15 for the AM service and 6:00 - 7:30 for the PM service. We'd love to see you there!