1 | God has designed the local church to confirm your faith. (10:22) 2 | God has designed the local church to help you guard your faith. (10:23) 3 |…
1 | We are to honor our pastor (v. 17) - 1 Corinthians 11:1 - Hebrews 13:17 2 | We are to provide financial support for our pastor (v. 18)…
Exodus 24:18 Moses...went up on the Mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights. 1 | A Crisis Exposes Our Idolatry (32:1-6) 2 | The LORD…
David Wells (God in the Wasteland): It is of the defining marks of our time that God is now weightless. Isaiah 60:19 the sun shall be no more your light…
1 | Jesus, the Word of God and Light of the World, shines in the Darkness and brings Order out of Chaos (Genesis 1:1-3 & John 1:1-5) 2 | Jesus…
1 | The existence of God is assumed "God" - Hebrews 11:3 2 | The eternity of God is affirmed "In the beginning" - John 1:1-2 - God is not…
1 | Together, let us draw near to God (v. 19-22) 2 | Together, let us hold to our hope (v. 23) 3 | Together, let us encourage one another…
1. Words That Destroy - Gossip destroys friendships | Proverbs 16:28 - Flattery destroys integrity | Proverbs 29:5 - Lying destroys trust | Colossians 3:9 - Obscenity destroys purity |…
1. Public worship that glorifies the Lord is passionate. (Psalm 84:1-2) 2. Public worship that glorifies the Lord is desirable. (Psalm 84:10) 3. Public worship that glorifies the Lord is…
"I am thirsty" 1. The humanity of Christ (John 1:1-2, 14, 18) 2. The intensity of Christ's suffering (Matthew 27:46) 3. The reverence of Christ for the Scripture (John 19:28-29)…