1 | Grumbling: The Symptom of Spiritual Hunger (6:41-43) 2 | Sovereign Grace: The Solution to Spiritual Hunger (6:44-46) 3 | Jesus: The Savior from Spiritual Hunger (6:47-59) Eating is…
1 | The Ascent Of The City Of Man (4:16-24) 2 | The Ascent Of The City Of God (4:25-26) - Revelation 18:14
1 | Sin Induced Spiritual Blindness (6:30-36) 2 | Sovereign Grace Induced Spiritual Bread (6:37-40) - John 10:27-29 - John 17:1-2, 6, 9, & 24 Truths We Should Agree With…
1 | The First Alternative: Living By Our Works (3:10-12) 2 | The Second Alternative: Living By Faith (3:13-14)
1 | Seeking Jesus for the Wrong Reasons: For Loaves (6:22-26) 2 | Seeking Jesus for the Right Reasons: For Love (6:27-29)
1 | Life Outside The Garden And The Hope Of Messiah (4:1-2) 2 | Life Outside The Garden And The Way Of Cain (4:3-9) - Leviticus 17:11 - Deuteronomy 26:2…
1 | Submission to Jesus' lordship can bring storms; but that is His strategy. (6:16-18) - Matthew 14:22 - Song of Solomon 5:6 - Luke 8:22-25 - 2 Corinthians 1:8-9…
1 | Freedom From The Triple Slavery: Sin, Death, And The Devil (5:1-4) - Jesus Sets Us Free From: 1. Sin and Guilt 2. Death …
1 | The Lord tests us to expose our insufficiencies (6:1-9) 2 | The Lord is present in our tests to educate us on His sufficiency (6:10-14) Closing Thoughts: 1.…
1 | The Role Of The Husband: Headship (5:22-24) 2 | Headship For The Wife’s Holiness (5:25-27) 3 | Headship For The Husband’s Benefit (5:28-31) 4 | Headship For The…