Ephesians 5:15-16
by Katie
Read Ephesians 5:15-16
Why must we look carefully at how to walk?
Paul tells believers in Christ to look carefully at how to walk because he knows that we do not. Before we can walk as the wise, we first need to see ourselves clearly. So why does Paul command this? Paul understands the human condition and problem. Sin. Sin has tainted us in every way, even to make us blind to our own sin and foolishness. We are prone to think we are better than we are, and that our sin is not as bad as it really is. This is why Romans 12 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds rather than be conformed to the pattern of this world. We already walk in step with the world in our sinful nature. We need transformation and renewal. But the command to look carefully does not end with ourselves. If it did, we would end with despair.
We must also look carefully to the One who walked in perfect wisdom, Jesus Christ.
Looking carefully and honestly at ourselves produces a desperate need for help. This causes us to look to Christ our Savior in faith, who walked in perfect wisdom in place of our foolishness, so that we may be transformed by His Spirit and become wise as He is wise.
How do we walk as wise?
It begins with looking to Christ and following Him in the way He walked. To walk in wisdom is to walk in step with the Lord. Do we obey the Word of God and seek to glorify His Name in all we do? Ephesians 5:16 tells us that wisdom involves, “making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Wisdom will change the way we spend our days, and it will lead to live contrary to the evil patterns of the world. Ephesians 5:17 goes on to say, “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” To walk in wisdom we must understand the will of God, which we learn about in His Word and in prayer. Wisdom from above cannot be attained apart from these two means of grace. We must know God through the means He has revealed Himself and allow it to comfort us into the very likeness of Christ.
How does this apply to technology?
The Lord desires that we use all that He has given us with wisdom and in a manner that honors Him. Technology is a gift from God that we can either use with wisdom for His glory or use to glorify ourselves and gratify our sinful desires. We must ask God for wisdom and cling to His Word as the standard by which we orient our lives.
Prayer Points
– Examine your heart before the Lord (Psalm 139:23-24)
– Confess ways you have walked as unwise
– Ask the Lord to reveal ways you use technology foolishly
– Ask for wisdom from the One who give generously to all (James 1:5)
– Thank the Lord for His grace and perfect wisdom
May God grant us the grace we need to look carefully at how we walk and by His mercy may it not be as unwise but wise.