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Missional Community Groups


Sunday schedule


College Bible Study


9:15am – College Sunday School in Fellowship Hall

During college Sunday School, we gather at table groups for discussion after a main teaching time led by our college pastor, Kevin Webb. This year we will study through the book of Galatians. It’s here that we find some of the clearest teaching in the Bible about how we are reconciled to God and are justified before him by faith alone. In this letter, the apostle Paul teaches how through faith we’re not only justified and forgiven before God, but we’re also adopted as his sons and daughters, and we are enabled and empowered by his Holy Spirit to live in a way that honors him as our Lord and Heavenly Father.


8:00pm – College Bible Study in Fellowship Hall

On Wednesday nights throughout the school year we gather for a time of fellowship, worship, and teaching. This Fall, the series will be on The Church, specifically the local church and how necessary and vital it is in a faithful walk with Christ. The local church is God’s plan for his people to grow and mature in their faith and to live it out. In this series, we will learn about what the church is, how the church is designed, the mission of the church, and even a little bit about the history of the church.