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Summer Retreat Registration

Click on the “Summer Retreat Registration” button above.

Once you hit submit on the form, you will see a paragraph that says “Thank you for registering for Summer Retreat!”, that is your confirmation that the form went through (the form does not generate an email). If you don’t see that confirmation paragraph, your form may not have gone through correctly. Contact us if you’re having trouble.

Required Forms

1- Each student must have a Lakeview Medical Release form on file. Please complete these forms and turn them in to the church office. If you have already completed this form for an event in the last year or two, you may not need to submit a new one unless your information/insurance has changed. We have several notaries in the office who can notarize your documents. If you’re unsure if you already have a Lakeview release form on file, you can email Camdyn Ferguson and she will check for you.

2- Each student must complete the Ocoee Ridge Camp Waiver. This can be filled out electronically. Please do not edit the ‘Name of Group/Church’ section on the form.

Lakeview Release Form - minors (under 19 years old)
Lakeview Release Form - adults (19 years and older)
Ocoee Ridge Waiver

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Payment Options

1. Online Payment

To hold your spot at Summer Retreat, a *non-refundable $99 deposit* is due along with your registration. Go ahead and submit your deposit by April 30th to get the early-bird price of $349. Upcoming 7th graders get the early-bird price, regardless of when they register. The regular price will begin on May 1st at $399.

Please make sure your deposit amount is $99 and not $100, especially if you give through our Online Giving site. The odd amount helps us determine that the payment is for Summer Retreat and not a gift or tithe.

Steps to pay online:
  • Please go to Lakeview’s Online Giving page.
  • Sign in or create an account.
  • Fill out the top line to read “Fund: Youth Amount: $99 (or the full amount if paying more than just the deposit)
  • Fill out your payment information.
  • Select ‘Submit’.

You should receive a confirmation email that your payment was processed at the address with which your Lakeview Online Giving account is connected.

Lakeview Online Giving

2. Payment via Venmo

You can make payments using Venmo:


Please indicate who the payment is for when submitting your payment.

3. Payment via Cash or Check

If paying with a check, please indicate who the payment is for in the memo line. You can turn your cash/check payments in to the church office or you can give it to Aaron and Raxia.