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We desire that our friends and neighbors right here in Auburn and Opelika come to find the joy of being reconciled with God through faith in Christ. However, we also desire that people at the uttermost parts of the world have the same opportunity we have right here.

Lakeview provides a place where you can find out how you can be reconciled to your Creator. This is a place where the Gospel (which means “good news”!) of Christ is proclaimed. Lakeview also provides a place where you can find resources and help to share the message of hope with your friends and neighbors.

But even more, Lakeview provides a launching pad to get the Gospel to the ends of the earth so that all peoples have an opportunity to hear of the hope found only in Christ. Lakeview takes seriously the “Great Commission” Christ gave us in Matthew 28 when he said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” Did you know that Lakeview offers around 12 trips to all parts of the world each year? Did you know that more than 70 Lakeview members are serving oversees currently? Did you know that Lakeview has many ministries to welcome Internationals right here in our own community?

Lakeview is a place where you not only can discover the Gospel for yourself, but find your place in taking the Gospel message to those near and far.


Jesus did not save His people so that they would now have private religious beliefs. Rather, God’s design has always been for His people to be in relationship with Him and with one another. Titus 2:14 is just one of many passages in Scripture which teaches that Jesus saved us so that we might become “a people” living out our faith together.

Lakeview strives to provide community where followers of Christ can be nurtured in their faith. Through Sunday Bible Study groups and many other small groups available throughout the week, Lakeview provides you many opportunities to grow in your understanding of God’s Word as you discuss it together with others. Through these groups you have opportunity to build authentic relationships with friends who will encourage you on your journey of faith.

We encourage you to explore the ministries menu at the top of this page to see some of the opportunities you and your family have to be nurtured in your faith.


The Bible teaches that every follower of Christ has “spiritual gifts” and is to use his or her gifts in God’s redemptive work. Lakeview’s model for ministry is built around Ephesians 4:11-12 which teaches that God gives the pastors and other leaders to “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” That is why Lakeview intentionally refers to the ministry staff here as our “equipping staff.”

Lakeview provides you a place to learn how God has gifted you for ministry, as well as a place for you to use those gifts for building up the body of Christ. God desires for you to not only worship Him in song, but to worship Him as you serve Him using the gifts and talents He has intentionally given to you. Come join us at Lakeview and discover the exciting adventure of being used by God in ministries not only at Lakeview and in the Auburn-Opelika community, but in being used by God to take the Gospel to all parts of the world.

We invite you to join us in a journey of faith as we love God, and seek together to express that love by making, nurturing, and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ in Auburn and throughout the world!