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Click on the “DONATE NOW” button below, and follow the instructions.
You can give a one-time gift or recurring, by debit card or e-check/ACH.

PLEASE BE AWARE that bank processing fees are averaging 3% for credit card transactions.  For e-check/ACH transactions, the fees are averaging slightly less than 1%.  Please use e-check/ACH whenever possible.  Also, please consider including a little extra in your gifts in order to cover the fees.



GENERAL BUDGET | Enter a dollar amount & hit “send”.

ALL OTHER CAUSES | Enter “keyword” to get a listing.
– Then enter a dollar amount followed by a keyword & hit “send”.

FIRST TIME GIFT | Follow the set up instructions.

PLEASE BE AWARE that bank processing fees are averaging 3% for credit card transactions.  For e-check/ACH transactions, the fees are averaging slightly less than 1%.  Please use e-check/ACH whenever possible.  Also, please consider including a little extra in your gifts in order to cover the fees.


GENERAL BUDGET | Enter a dollar amount & hit “send”.

ALL OTHER CAUSES | Enter “keyword” to get a listing.
– Then enter a dollar amount followed by a keyword & hit “send”.

FIRST TIME GIFT | Follow the set up instructions.



PLEASE BE AWARE that bank processing fees are averaging 3% for credit card transactions.  For e-check/ACH transactions, the fees are averaging slightly less than 1%.  Please use e-check/ACH whenever possible.  Also, please consider including a little extra in your gifts in order to cover the fees.