1 | Submission to Jesus' lordship can bring storms; but that is His strategy. (6:16-18) - Matthew 14:22 - Song of Solomon 5:6 - Luke 8:22-25 - 2 Corinthians 1:8-9…
1 | The Lord tests us to expose our insufficiencies (6:1-9) 2 | The Lord is present in our tests to educate us on His sufficiency (6:10-14) Closing Thoughts: 1.…
1 | Moses: To be honest, I really don’t want to do what you’re asking me to do. (Exodus 4:12-13) 2 | Elijah: To be honest, I struggle to continue…
1. Jesus is at work whether we see it or not. 2. Jesus' work is not dependent on whether we see it or not. ----------------- 1 | The disciples were…
The Greeting (v. 1-2) 1. God is the source of our comfort. (v. 3-4a) - Some promises of God: Isaiah 40:11 & 29-31 -- A promise to shepherd His people.…
God uses thorns / weaknesses in our lives to humble us so we can depend and minister in His power! 1. Thorns are God's means to keep us humble. (v. 7) 2. Thorns…