The Words of Eternal Life: The Dividing Line
1 | The Words of Eternal Life Expose the Counterfeit Disciple (6:60-67)
What did Jesus Christ teach that they found so distasteful?
1. The incarnation (v. 33, 38, 51)
2. The necessity of his death (v. 51)
3. The necessity of saving faith (v. 53-54)
4. God’s sovereignty in salvation and our inability to please God (v. 44)
5. Jesus crushed their prosperity gospel
2 | The Words of Eternal Life Confirms the True Disciple (6:68-71)
(AW Pink) 6 Reasons Jesus Chose Judas:
1. To fulfill the Word of God
- Psalm 41:9
2. Judas would provide an objective witness to the moral excellence of Jesus.
3. Judas reveals to us how far sin can take you.
4. Judas is a warning to us as to how near a man can be to Jesus and be lost.
5. So that we may be aware there’ll be false converts among followers of Christ.
6. This reveals how different God’s thoughts and ways are from ours.